Manufacture: NewTech Kites
Name: Tang Kite by designer Robert Basington
Price: $16.89 (FWW club member price)
Description: Fish shaped kite
Skill Level: Well suited for children and adults
Test Results
We flew/tested the NewTech Tang Kite in wind ranges from about 8 to 12 MPH. Its flight behavior using the factory bridle setting and the included 15 foot tail was very unstable, constantly nose diving into the ground. We
attached an alternate bridle attachment 2 inches above the default setting, and replaced the tail with a 24 foot fringe tail (refer to photo). After making these adjustments the kite flew extremely well! The enclosed instructions state the wind range to be 6 to 18 MPH. We estimate the recommended/realistic and safe wind range to be about 7 to 15 MPH using the adjustments noted. FYI: Around 18 MPH sand starts to move/blow across the beach where we test our kites.
Kite Contents: Tang kite, 15 foot tail, three hundred feet of 30 pound test line on a plastic hand winder, clear vinyl storage bag, instructions.
The dimensions of the kite are 24 inches wide x 42 inches high.
The kite requires modifications to the bridle (refer to change above). Assembly takes a few minutes to attach the 8 fiberglass rods which form the frame. We found the assembly directions and diagrams to be a little confusing. The location of some of the pockets/rods in the diagrams do not match thier actual location on the kite. We referred to our kite experience rather than the instructions to assemble the kite. Also, there is no mention
of attaching the tail. Nor is there a botton tab to attach the tail, rather you need to attach the metal clasp of the tail to the fiberglass spine/rod. Note: Children may require assistance from an adult to assemble the kite due to the large number of rods and confusing instructions.
The sail is well made of appliqued ripstop nylon. The sail is hemmed for durability. The pockets are reinforced with dacron. The rods have rubber/plastice end caps.
The small sail area and long tail of this kite lends itself best for visual appeal at a height up to about 100 feet. The Tang kite design is colorful in the sky.
Summary: At a club member price of $16.89, the NewTech Tang Kite
kite is a below average value due to the necessary changes needed to achieve stable flight characteristics.